Evacuation Information

Police will contact you if you need to leave your home. In case you have to go, here's how to prepare.

Prohibition on fire and activities

There is a total fire ban in place: this means no fires are allowed. Activities that may cause a spark, or that involve hot equipment such as chainsaws, are prohibited. If you think there might be even a small risk from an activity, please don’t do it.

More information and an example list of activities can be found here

For businesses wanting to apply for an exemption please fill in the below form:


Preparing to evacuate

Allow yourself time to plan for an orderly departure, should it become necessary because of the progress of the fire. Emergency services staff will visit you if you need to evacuate. Alerts to prepare to evacuate will be in media and on this website.

Anyone preparing to evacuate should: 

  • Find any house pets (cats and dogs), bring them inside
  • Leave cellphones on and charged so you can receive alerts
  • If you see spot fires – dial 111 immediately
  • Prepare essential items such as food, clothing and medication to take should you need to evacuate
  • Ensure your vehicle has enough fuel for the return trip

If you feel in danger: do not wait, get out

You can self-evacuate if you feel in danger or if smoke is affecting your health or comfort. Go to the welfare centre at Saxton Field Stadium in Stoke.

Reminder: All those who have evacuated are asked to register at Saxton Field Stadium, Stoke or ring 03 543 8400. This is crucial - it means we can contact you about getting you back home when the time comes.

What to take

If you need to evacuate your home, here's what to take

  • Pack essentials - people, pets, prescriptions, passports, plastic cards (or cash)
  • A change of clothing and something warm to wear.
  • Water and food
  • Be aware you may not be able to return for several days

Fire safety tips to protect your property

Below are some ways that you can reduce fire risk to your property:

  • Remove flammable items from around your house such as deck furniture, firewood and door mats.
  • Dampen dry areas around the house, especially where dry leaves could gather, such as gutters, decks, and making sure gaps are not open under the house.
  • Keep gutters clear.
  • Keep windows closed.

More information about rural fire safety and protecting you and your property can be found –

Animal welfare

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is the lead agency for animal welfare in emergencies.

  • If you are required to evacuate again, please take your pets with you as you leave your property.

  • If you have stock and can’t move them, please ensure they have plenty of food and water.

  • Open all farm gates within your property.

  • If you leave the area we advise that you take your pets with you in case the area is evacuated while you are away.

  • If you have any requests for help in regards to the welfare of your animals, please call MPI on 0800 008 333 (option 4).