Tsunami Evacuation Maps

View the mapped evacuation zones for the Nelson Tasman coastline.

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GNS Science and the Tasman District and Nelson City councils have developed a series of tsunami evacuation maps.  

What the maps show

There are three evacuation zones shown on the maps:

Red Zone 

  • Small more frequent tsunami that are essentially a beach and nearshore hazard.
  • The Red Zone is also the area of greatest impact in a larger tsunami.

Orange Zone 

  • Large distant source tsunami.
  • Due to the relatively long travel time, official warning of such a tsunami approaching can be expected.

Yellow Zone 

  • Large, but very infrequent, local sourced tsunami.
  • Because of the short travel time, it is unlikely that there will be an official warning.
  • The public will need to self-evacuate based on natural warnings (see below for what this means).

Further information:

If you have further queries, email inquiries info@ntem.govt.nz or phone the Nelson Tasman Emergency Management Office via Nelson City Council 03 546 0200 or Tasman District Council 03 543 8400.